

技術園地Technology garden

§80.34 拒絕認證服務的授權(Authority to refuse certification service)


  § 80.34   Authority to refuse certification service.

  (a) When it appears to the Commissioner that a person has:

 ?。?) Obtained, or attempted to obtain, a certificate through fraud or misrepresentation of a material fact.

 ?。?) Falsified the records required to be kept by §80.39; or

 ?。?) Failed to keep such records, or to make them available, or to accord full opportunity to make inventory of stocks on hand or otherwise to check the correctness of such records, as required by §80.39; or

 ?。?) Refused to permit duly authorized employees of the Food and Drug Administration free access to all manufacturing facilities, processes, and formulae involved in the manufacture of color additives and intermediates from which such color additives are derived; he may immediately suspend certification service to such person and may continue such suspension until adequate corrective action has been taken.

 ?。╞) Any person who contests suspension of service shall have an opportunity for a regulatory hearing before the Food and Drug Administration pursuant to part 16 of this chapter.



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